Santiago (The return of the Apartment)
28 July - August 11th 2003.
We were fed up of chasing snow around South America, so we decided to head back to Santiago as it was the place of our home away from home and it had four mountains to choose from. We spent two weeks in our plush apartment making really hot chilli meals, roast dinners and enjoying the maid who cleaned-up after us.
Travelling with our snowboards made taxi drivers huff and puff as they struggled to put the bag on the top of their roofs. When we took this picture, five taxi men were laughing at our taxi man struggle with the load. ( The bag weighed 30kgs and its not a normal sight).
Chilean taxi drivers are expert at giving us the "It's a big job and will cost you extra look".
.... The boards are now TNTing their way back to the UK.
Whilst hanging around Santiago, we managed to take in a couple of museums. In this particular museum Jason got told off for taking pictures of breasts by Claire, and later nearly thrown out by a security guard as photography is banned.
.... Jason was intrigued by the size of her hands and adams apple. These are sure signs that ancient civilizations were giving each other the chop (sex change).
Jason got really sick in the middle of our stay, he was convinced that he had some tropical disease (dramatic male). But Claire took him to a pharmacy who gave him cough medicine and he is ok now. The medicine was ironically named Fluomit. Jason wasn't too sick to venture out of the streets and have his shoes polished.
This is a huge Santiago park that we visited, it was a boiling hot day (23 degrees- in the middle of their winter). This picture shows, some local boys who from what we could work out run out and snag kites that are flying with their long sticks and then sell them back to its owner or someone else. This was exceptionally entertaining to watch and even featured an alpha-male who would beat the other monkeys up for catching the wrong kite!
Kites and roller skating is serious business in this park. It also make fascinating viewing when you are hungover and getting over a tropical disease.

This is Lorraine and Pete, who are responsible for two of our hangovers in Santiago. We did a big Saturday night which involved Pete so enthralled with Jason's conversation, that he fell asleep standing up at the bar. (It had nothing to do with the sly shooters they were knocking back). At 4am, the bouncers had to lift him out and put him in a taxi. We carried on going until 5am, when Jason too, was starting to make little sense.
He wasn't quite as bouncy in the morning, and was pleased Claire had looked after his wallet. He didn't appreciate the early wake up (1pm) with a cooked breakfast and early grey tea.
Note: The beard is getting smaller in size but the length is now hitting the one cm mark, (its only been two months now and its going grey).