Ilha do Mel
18-20 June 2003.
Ilha do Mel is an kidney shaped island that has excellent beaches, surfing and scenic walks. It was our last stop in Brazil and our last sunshine for a few months before the promise of snow in the Andes.
This is a poster found at the entrance to a train ride that we took from Curitiba to Paranagua. We had trouble staying awake even though it was "the most exciting in Brazil" . Catching a night bus from Igaucu the night before didn't help.
We took the train so that we could get a ferry from Paranagua to Ilha do Mel. The train stopped halfway to Paranagua because it was a blue-moon on Tuesday or something typically Brazilian like that so we had to catch a bus the rest of the way! So much for respecting tourists here!
I do like the stereo-typing of tourists as wearing sun hats, shades, Bermuda shorts and Hawaiian shirts, and indiscriminately toting cameras.... now that really is respect!
The local beach had good surf and the usually assortment of scantily clad Brazilians.
The island had two non-beach highlights which included a fort and a cave both of which were a bit crap. The island itself is expected to be cut in half soon by the ocean and you can see where a number of houses have fallen into the sea.
On the 21st June at 3pm GMT our thoughts were with you Emma and Mike Whealan. We wrote this in the sand to wish you the best wedding day!
We were virtually in Brighton... you might recognise the similarity with Brightons magnificent sand, excellent surf, consistant sunshine and bronzed people.
You can't see the twenty nosey locals who are watching us write in the sand. We had quite a crowd watching us.
This was us very hot and sweaty after writing in the sand sending the happy couple lots of good weather luck.

We met Cecilia and Martin on the train here and they shared the same hostel that liked to provide breakfast with ants and beds with rodents...nice.
Jason hair is now truly stunning and worthy of the singer in any 80s pop band.
This is an ace couple who we met on a boat trying to get back to Curitiba for the evening.
They were beautiful people who gave us a long ride to our hotel, and helped us find a sushi restaurant which was soooo good. After the items we had "borrowed" from us in Brazil, they restored our faith in the Brazilian people.
We got a local to take the photo and it was a third attempt, he had a fascination with the floor.

Todays comedy sign is bought to you by the letter F and the city of Curitiba.