The Worlds Most Dangerous Road
29th August 2003.
The old road between La Paz and Coroico has been officially named the Worlds most dangerous road. An average of 26 vehicles disappear over the edge of this road every year. The gravel track is often just over a truck-width wide, with a sheer drop of over 1000 metres in places. There are hulking rock over hangs and waterfalls falling onto the road itself.
This was a Jason only event as Claire decided not to attempt this road on bike, she later had to go up it on mini bus.
This is the view of the road from about 4,500metres. The first 20 kilometres is paved and very fast but safe.
It was a made a little more spectacular by fresh snow overnight.
Jason seen modelling the rather sexy flouro vest that was mandatory for the ride... you can see the road in the background.
This is one of the corners you wouldn't like to fall off.
From several of the corners you could still see the wreckage of cars and buses below and the crosses were a constant reminder of how this road got its name.
Jason rode with Craig who we met in Bariloche, Argentina.
Here he is looking out over the layer of cloud at about 3,000m that was soon to engulf us and make the most dangerous road a blind bike ride.

... and here comes the cloud.
At least the cloud brings moisture that keeps the dust down and kept most of the graves hidden from sight.
Jason having a dusty moment to contemplate the sights of the day:
- the numerous graves
- the martyrs of democracy monument where the top 5 opposition members were thrown over the edge in 1940 something.
- the slash and burn agriculture to plant cocoa to keep 'The Free West' pepped-up that seemed to be causing most of the landslips.
- the kids on the back of the truck that threw bananas at me.

70 kilometres later and we made it.
Dusty, muddy, slightly sore around the arse but glad to be alive.