Blackpool Stag Doo
Feb 2003.
Some bright spark thought it was essential to have a stag-doo for Jason as going travelling with Claire for 2 years must be worst than marriage. Thanks Dean... this was your fault and Blackpool was the obvious place.
I'm not sure ordering the fillet steak 'blue' at a fish and chip shop was a good idea and I obviously blame this for the gastral repurcussions
We've only just arrived in Blackpool and the kids are getting restless (L-R Greg, Barnes, Stanley, Daryl, Lee, Dean (being ruffed-up), Mike)
Luckliy tea was only 10p.... must be a real crowd puller for the OAPs before bingo.
Dean teaching Lee how to punch... in case any of the locals get frisky

Mike exchanging hats with one of the lovely ladies who pop over from Manchester for hen nights
Atomic kitten had been Internet chatting with Barnes and thought they would pop down to see if he really was a 6ft4in, muscle bound, Brad Pitt look-a-like

Good work Barnes!
How many Barcadis did that cost?
Mike (Beckham) Whelan strutting his stuff.

Stanley teaching the locals how to pole dance... this photo is complete with puzzled looks from locals
Oh dear...

Its gone too far
The breakdancing has started (read mopping the filthy bar floor with ones shirt)

Thanks to Daryl the rockstar for most of the good photos.
Thanks to the boys who can cofirm that all the strippers in Blackpool are from Manchester.